Monday, May 27, 2019

The Pink Umbrella - Close Reading


Luca learnt to use the drawing tools in Google Drawings to dig deeper into the text. He created his own version of the tools and shared his understanding and questions he had about the text with his peers in a small group discussion.

Gym Festival

Over the last few weeks, some of our learners have been learning Gymnastic routines. The gymnasts created their own flair and individual style and then shared their routines at the Gisborne Gym Festival where many other schools compete too. We were so proud of each and every gymnast that competed. All the practices and commitment to polishing routines really showed through. 
Here are a few pics of some very proud and happy faced MKids. 
Congratulations to all of you.


Thursday, May 23, 2019

Journal Writing

We learned how to write a Journal Entry and we chose to write an entry from the perspective of our pet of the first few days in your new family. We also learned how to format our page so we could see our pet behind our writing. WE used Google Slides to create our final published piece. we have shared these on our Class Writers' Wall and on our blogs.

Written by Kassidy