Sunday, March 17, 2019


The Year 6 Learning Neighbourhood have been learning how to play Horohopu which is a traditional Maori game. Here is the Game Description:

  • Throw and catch the Poi Toa from one team member to another to advance towards the scoring zone.
  • Catch the Poi Toa in the scoring zone to score points.
  • 1st team to a set amount of points or most points after set time wins.

We are ready to choose some players who will represent Mangapapa at a Horohopu tournament. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Monster Measure

We learned how to use a scale to measure lengths. We then had to create our own monster using the tools in Google Drawings. We have shared these on our individual blogs.

Monster created by Quinn

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Mangapapa Creek

Some of our learners chose to investigate the creek as their Breakout this week. We learned that there is not a lot of life down there at the moment. We used some scientific equipment to help us catch and identify what we had found. Some of us created sketches of our findings, others created more wonderings. We have shared our findings with some other teachers around the school. 

There wasn't a lot of room to move down there. It was very overgrown, however we did manage to find some living , and not so living things for us to study a bit closer.